Room for Rent in Zug near Lake & Train Station

bundesplatz, 6300 Zug  - 2.5 Zimmer


Nettomiete: CHF 2'000


Verfügbar ab: sofort

Zimmer: 2.5 Zimmer

Etage: 5




I'm looking for a friendly and responsible flatmate to share my cozy 2-bedroom apt located just 3 minutes from Zug train station and 2 minutes away from the beautiful lake and old town.

The room features floor-to-ceiling windows, plenty of storage spaces, a private bathroom with a shower and direct access to a balcony with a sofa, grill, and dining table. The apartment includes all essentials: a waching machine, dishwasher, TV, bar table, dining area, and more.

Currently, I'm a 33-year-old woman living here with my small Pomeranian dog. I enjoy yoga, meditation, hiking, and spending time in nature. If you're looking for a cozy and welcoming home, feel free to contact me for more details!

Kind regards,



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