1 ½ Zimmer-Möblierte Wohnung in Zug mieten

Zeughausgasse, 6300 Zug  - 1.5 Zimmer


Nettomiete: CHF 3'192

Bruttomiete: CHF 3'192


Verfügbar ab: 3. März 2025

Zimmer: 1.5 Zimmer

Fläche: 32 m²

Etage: 1


Available from: March \n1 room apartment in the heart of Zug directly at the main post office.\nThe apartment is completely newly furnished / renovated and offers a sofa bed in addition to the double bed. The living room has a seating area and a fully equipped kitchenette. The apartment offers free WIii internet and TV. The bathroom has a shower and the facility in the basement is used for laundry.\n\nNotice: Displayed prices and data are not final, and should be used for informative purpose only. They are not contractual or binding. \n\nEnergy pass \nThis building is not subject to EnEV.


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